Oral Presentation
Oral Presentations
Please remember that the time assignments for presentations are as follows:
- Invited Talk: 40 min. (30 min. talk + 10 min. discussion)
- Contributed Talk*: 20 min. (15 min. talk + 5 min. discussion)
The bell will ring to let speakers know the remaining time.
- 1st bell 5 min. (3 min.)* before the end of the talk
- 2nd bell the end of the talk
- 3rd bell the end of the presentation
Speaker Preview Room
A speaker preview room(Auditorium) will be provided for all oral presentations on the second floor of the Osaka University Hall. Presentation must be in PowerPoint(PC or Mac) or Keynote(Mac) and saved on an USB key. All presenters must announce themselves to the AV technician in the speaker preview room at least 60 minutes before the scheduled session time. An audio, video and basic running check of the presentation will be double checked at this time. The speaker preview room will be equipped with PCs and MacBook Pro and a laser pointer. The PCs will be working under Windows 10 with Microsoft Office 2016. For MacBook Pro (OS X EI Capitan v10.11), Microsoft Office 2016 and Keynote will be available.
Oral Presentation Awards
Contributed Talk Speakers were chosen on the basis of their submitted abstracts. The Organizing Committee will award the Contributed Talk Speakers in recognition of their outstanding works. The Awards Ceremony will take place before the Closing Remarks on June 9.
Poster presentation
Poster size of poster presentation is: A0
Posters are located in the Assembly Hall (1F) on June 8.
Presentation Time
- Even poster number: 14:50-15:35
- Odd poster number: 15:35-16:20
Presenting authors of posters are requested to be close to their posters at the time of their presentations, so that participants can find them.
Note: Posters not retrieved by the end of the symposium will be discarded.
Best Poster Awards
The Organizing Committee will also award the best poster presentations. Participants will be asked to vote and nominate three posters. A ballot will be provided when you register. Please vote and bring your ballot to a ballot box after the poster session. Before the Closing Remarks, the Poster Prizes winners will be announced and Awards Ceremony will take place.
Banquet fee 4000 JPY.
Day / Date Thursday, June 8
Time 18:00-19:30
Venue Assembly Hall (1F)