日時:9月18日(水) 15:30-17:00
場所:基礎工学部D棟 D404-408 共用セミナー室
講演題目: Electrocalorics and magnetoelectrics
講演者:Dr. Neil D. Mathur (University of Cambridge)
The first hour will be devoted to electrocaloric materials and applications, where thermal effects are driven by changes of electric field, notably near ferroelectric phase transitions. I will present a brief history of the field, a comparison of bulk and thin-film samples, and the advantages of working with the multilayer capacitor (MLC) geometry. Next I will report giant electrocaloric strength in single-crystal BaTiO3. Then I will compare the energy efficiency of ceramic and polymer films. I will finish by comparing electrocaloric materials with magnetocaloric and mechanocaloric materials, before proceeding to a general comparison of different cooling technologies.
I will then spend 30 minutes talking about imaging ferromagnetic films on active ferroelectric substrates. Using photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM) to image ferromagnetic (ferroelectric) domains via contrast from x-ray magnetic circular (linear) dichroism (XMCD and XMLD), I will present magnetic maps that reveal how films of a ferromagnetic film react to strain from a ferroelectric substrate whose domains are under thermal and electrical control. The microscopic data correlates with macroscopic data from a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM), and ferromagnetic domain-wall motion decorates ferroelectric domain-wall motion,