
HOMEイベントH28年度 第3回 固体物理セミナーを開催します

H28年度 第3回 固体物理セミナーを開催します


(平成28年度 第3回)

Time: 13:00-14:30, 23th (Mon) May, 2016
Place: C419-423
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Christian Heiliger
(Institut fur Theoretische Physik, Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany)
Title:Theoretical description of transport in nano-structures
For materials three transport parameters are important, the electrical resistance, the thermal resistance, and the Seebeck coefficient. In this lecture I show different ways of describing these transport properties theoretically. For this purpose, I discuss different length scales and the corresponding transport regimes. The transport can be coherent or diffusive depending on the material and the length scale. Consequently, there are different types of theoretical approaches to describe the transport properties. I discuss classical, semi-classical, and quantum mechanical models. This includes the network model, the Boltzmann equation, and the Landauer formula. As an example I show how macroscopic devices can be simulated by a network model including local microscopic coherent transport properties. This way one can analyze the influence of e.g. coherent interfaces on the transport properties of the whole device.

問合先:鈴木 義茂 (基礎工D棟409号室)
Tel:06-6850-6425, E-mail:suzuki-y@mp.es.osaka-u.ac.jp

* 固体物理セミナーは、物性・未来(物性系)M2必修科目「ゼミナールⅢ」に該当します。