
HOMEイベントH28年度 第10回 固体物理セミナーを開催します

H28年度 第10回 固体物理セミナーを開催します



Date and Time: November 8 (Tuesday) 10:30-12:00
Place: Room A304, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Toyonaka
Lecturer: Prof. James A. Sauls (Northwestern University, USA)
Title: Anomalous Hall effects in Chiral Superfluids

The superfluid phases of 3He are paradigms for spontaneous symmetry breaking in quantum field theory and condensed matter physics. The microscopic physics underlying the phenomenology of 3He - that of an interacting Fermi system with strong-coupling between Fermions to paramagnons - provided the basic theoretical model for spin-triplet superconductivity in Sr2RuO4 [1]. The phases of bulk superfluid 3He are also paradigms for topological order and the subject of intense theoretical and experimental research [2]. I discuss signatures of broken space-time symmetries - particularly, parity and time-reversal (BTRP) - and the implications for topological order of chiral superfluids. I highlight signatures of BTRP in 3He-A [3], and chiral superconductors [4]. I summarize the theory for the anomalous Hall effect for electron transport in chiral superfluids, and show that the experimental results for electron transport in superfluid 3He-A provide direct evidence for the spectrum of Weyl Fermions in 3He-A [5]. I conclude with a discussion of BTRP in chiral superconductors.

[1] T. M. Rice and M. Sigrist, J. Phys. Cond. Mat., 7, L643 (1995).
[2] T. Mizushima. et al., J.Phys.Soc. Jpn. 85, 022001 (2016).
[3] H. Ikegami, Y. Tsutsumi, and K. Kono, Science 341, 59 (2013).
[4] E. R. Schemm, et al. Science 345, 190 (2014).
[5] O. Shevtsov and J. A. Sauls, Phys. Rev. B 96, 064511 (2016).

Contact Person: Assoc. Prof. Takeshi Mizushima
Department of Materials Engineering Science
