
HOMEイベント固体物理セミナー 平成26年度 第11回

固体物理セミナー 平成26年度 第11回



(平成26年度 第11回)


Time: 13:00-14:30, 26th (Mon) Jan., 2015

Place: Seminar room (Sigma hall)

Lecturer:  Prof. Peter H. Dederichs

(Peter Gruenberg Institut & Institute for Advanced Simulation, Forschungszentrum Juelich & JARA, D-52425 Juelich)

Title:「Friedel Oscillations- In the Bulk and on Surfaces」

abstract: Electrons mediate many of the interactions between atoms in a solid. Their propagation in a material determines its thermal, electrical, optical, magnetic and transport properties. Therefore, the constant energy contours characterizing the electrons, in particular the Fermi surface, have a prime impact on the behaviour of materials. If anisotropic, the contours induce strong directional dependence at the nanoscale in the Friedel oscillations surrounding impurities. Here we report on giant anisotropic charge density oscillations focused along specific directions with strong spin-filtering after scattering at an oxygen impurity embedded in the surface of a ferromagnetic thin film of Fe grown on W(001). Utilizing density functional theory, we demonstrate that by changing the thickness of the Fe films, we control quantum well states confined to two dimensions that manifest as multiple flat energy contours, impinging and tuning the strength of the induced charge oscillations which allow to detect the oxygen impurity at large distances (~50 nm).

問合先:吉田 博 (基礎工D棟319号室)

Tel:06-6850-6405, E-mail:hiroshi@mp.es.osaka-.ac.jp

